pastebucket =========== A pastebin like web application. Useful for pasting text into a form to store. Syntax highlighting is selected via a dropdown menu and is applied server side. No javascript to load, just some CSS. Curl may be used to submit text, but there is no option at this time to specify the language (for syntax highlighting) via curl: ```bash cargo check | curl -T- curl -T- < src/ ``` The git repo is located at There is an instance running at pastebucket is written in [rust]( and uses the [gotham]( web application framework. ## Building First, clone the repo: ```bash git clone ``` Enter the directory and create your configuration: ```bash cd pasteb cp config.toml.default config.toml $EDITOR config.toml ``` Build pastebucket ```bash cargo build --release ``` ## Running Run pastebucket ```bash cargo run --release ``` It is best to run a web server such as [Apache]( or [nginx]( and reverse proxy connections to pastebucket. You may run the executable directly (without cargo), it is located at `target/release/pastebucket`. pastebucket should be run from the directory containing `config.toml`. At this time there is no option specify where to load the config from via the command line. A sample systemd service file is included in the git repo.