-- sqlite create table zones ( id text not null primary key, parent text not null, name text, users_visible numeric not null, foreign key(parent) references zones(id) ); insert into zones (id, parent, name, users_visible) values ( '3a5f959c-bf2d-4526-a641-d3d3bb07c1d7', '3a5f959c-bf2d-4526-a641-d3d3bb07c1d7', 'City', 1 ); create table rooms ( id text not null primary key, zone text not null, name text, description text, users_visible numeric not null, foreign key(zone) references zones(id) ); insert into rooms (id, zone, name, description, users_visible) values ( 'd027ff76-185f-4da0-941c-7cadc6cf6e20', '3a5f959c-bf2d-4526-a641-d3d3bb07c1d7', 'Town Square', 'The central square of the town.', 1 ); create table exits ( room text not null, target text not null, direction text not null, foreign key(room) references rooms(id), foreign key(target) references rooms(id) ); create table players ( id text not null primary key, name text not null unique, created numeric not null, location text not null, foreign key(location) references rooms(id) ); create table connected_players ( token integer not null primary key, player text not null unique, foreign key(player) references players(id) ); create table passwords ( player text not null primary key, salt text not null, hash text not null, foreign key(player) references players(id) );