@ -6,3 +6,48 @@ This repository containes a [WoTMUD](https://wotmud.info) map for the
for Mudlet, from [https://github.com/weisluke/WoTMUD](https://github.com/weisluke/WoTMUD).
for Mudlet, from [https://github.com/weisluke/WoTMUD](https://github.com/weisluke/WoTMUD).
It is converted to TinTin++ format by using [mapconv](https://gitlab.com/rascul/mapconv/).
It is converted to TinTin++ format by using [mapconv](https://gitlab.com/rascul/mapconv/).
To use it, you'll need to download the [map](https://gitlab.com/rascul/wotmud-tt-map/-/raw/master/map.map?inline=false)
along with the associated [script](https://gitlab.com/rascul/wotmud-tt-map/-/raw/master/map.tin?inline=false).
The script provides the necessary actions for the map to follow you around on the mud.
Put them both in the directory you start TinTin++ from, then perform the following:
1. Start in Caemlyn Central Square. To start somewhere else you'll need to know the
room number, which you can find with `#map info` when you're in the room with the map.
2. Load the map:
#map read map.map
3. Tell the map to go to Caemlyn Central Square (or another room if you have the number):
#map goto 97
4. Load the script:
#read map.tin
5. To display the map, you have two options:
* Split the window and display the map at the top:
#split 16 1
#map flag vtmap
* Display the map in another window:
1. Setup the client:
maprows 20
maprows 60
mapout /tmp/map.out
2. Display the map, open up a new terminal emulator. You might use xterm:
xterm -geometry 60x20 -rv +sb
tail -f /tmp/map.out 2>/dev/null